Panqueca verde de chlorella

Green Chlorella Pancake

  • 1 tablespoon chickpea flour
  • 1 tablespoon of oat flour or bran - can be substituted with another gluten-free flour
  • 1 teaspoon of chorella
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon pepper, or natural seasoning of your choice.
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 50 ml of water
  • 1 drizzle of extra virgin olive oil for greasing
Preparation method:
Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix
Add the water and mix with a spoon until smooth.
Grease a frying pan with a dash of olive oil and let it heat for 1 minute.
Distribute the dough in the hot frying pan in the shape of a disc, leave on low heat
When you notice that the dough is drying out and coming away from the sides, turn it over with a spatula.
Let it brown for another minute.
Fill as you prefer, check out our pink tofu recipe.
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